Aktivitetsinfo: | WRZK7M TP 757 14MAR CPHLIS 0600 0855 TP1906 16MAR FAO LIS 1635 1725 TP 756 16MAR LISCPH 1900 2345
Venue: Centro de Formação Major David Neto - Portimonense Sporting Clube R. Gomes Ayres, 8500-510 Portimão, Portugal
Date: 15-16 March 2025 Age group: U12 (2013) Location: Portimao (Portugal)
Playing format: 8 v 8 Playing Time: 1 x 17 min Finals: 1 x 25 min Number of Games: 11 guaranteed games Playing surface: Artificial grass
Tournament format: 32 teams divided into 4 groups of 8 teams. Each team will have 7 qualifying games. The top 4 teams in each group will play in the knockout for 1-16 places.
The remaining teams will play 3 games of 25 min between the same position teams from the different groups.
Standing order: Points, mutual game, Goal Difference, Goals Scored, Goals Conceived, and 1 penalty + "sudden death". |